1st Workshop on Thermodynamics of Fatigue Process
Cemal Basaran
Dr. Cemal Basaran is a Professor in the Dept. of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York.
He specializes in computational and theoretical mechanics. He has authored 160 + peer-reviewed journal publications, a textbook on the Unified Mechanics Theory, (second edition, 2023, ©Springer-Nature)
and several book chapters. His research focuses on the development of the Unified Mechanics Theory, which is the unification of the laws of Newton and the laws of thermodynamics at the ab-initio level.
Some of his awards include the 1997 US Navy ONR Young Investigator Award, and the 2011 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) EEPD, Excellence in Mechanics Award. He is a Fellow of the ASME.
He has served and continues to serve on the editorial board of many peer-reviewed international journals. He has been the primary dissertation advisor to 25 Ph.D. students. His research has been funded
by National Science Foundation, US Navy, US Department of Defense, State of New York, and many industrial sponsors including but not limited to Intel, Motorola, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Delphi, DuPont,
Texas Instruments, Micron, Tyco Electronics, Analog Devices, and many others. He serves as a research proposal reviewer to many national and international research funding agencies around the globe including
but not limited to the UK, EU, France, China, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Ireland, Austria, and many others.
Noushad Bin Jamal
Employed: | Modeling and Simulation Engineer, Schlumberger, CMI-India (2022-Present) |
Education: | Ph.D., Applied Mechanics from IIT Madras, India (2022) Masters, Structural Engineering from IIT Kharagpur (2015) |
Research Interests: | Fatigue in metals, Unified Mechanics Theory, High strain-rate dependent response of metals, Physics-based modeling |
Francesca Curà
Francesca Maria Curà is M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D. in Mechanics. Today is Associate Professor in Machine Design at Politecnico di Torino and Leader of Research Group:
Mechanical Transmissions and Thermography. Teaching activity is related to Machine Design courses.
Main research topics are: Gears transmissions, Fatigue of materials, Thermographic analysis, Cumulative fatigue damage, Fretting damage.
Jia Huang
Huang Jia, born in 1991, holds a PhD in engineering from the University of Toulouse in France. Since October 2021, he has been serving as an associate professor at the
School of Civil Aviation of Northwestern Polytechnical University. From April 2016 to April 2019, he pursued a PhD in mechanical engineering and material mechanics at the ICA (Institut Clément Ader)
of the University of Toulouse in France. From September 2013 to March 2016, he studied solid mechanics in the Department of Aerospace Engineering at Northwestern Polytechnical University for his master's degree.
He is now committed to addressing key technical challenges in the application of carbon fiber composite materials in aerospace structures, including research on the fatigue damage evolution mechanism of aerospace
composite materials based on infrared thermography information, intelligent identification and evaluation methods for damage to aerospace composite materials, and optimization of impact resistance of aerospace
structures. |
Michael M. Khonsari
Michael Khonsari holds the Dow Chemical Endowed Chair in Rotating Machinery and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Louisiana State University (LSU). Prior to joining LSU,
he spent a number of years as a faculty member at The Ohio State University, University of Pittsburgh, and served as the Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes
at Southern Illinois University. Professor Khonsari has also served as a research Faculty Fellow at NASA Glenn (Formerly Lewis) Research Center, Wright-Patterson Air Force laboratories, and the U.S.
Department of Energy. Professor Khonsari’s research is in the area of materials and tribology—the science and application of lubrication, friction, and wear—and fatigue and damage analysis. Professor
Khonsari is the director of the National Science Foundation Center for Innovations in Structural Integrity Assurance (CISIA). Professor Khonsari is a fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME),
Society of Tribologist and Lubrication Engineers (STLE), American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), and the US National Academy of Inventors (NAI). |
Giovanni Meneghetti
Giovanni Meneghetti studied his master degree and completed his PhD at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova (Italy).
After working in structural engineering consultancy companies, he was appointed assistant professor, then associate and finally full professor of machine design at the
Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Padova. Giovanni’s research fields deal with the development of local approaches for structural durability,
energy-based analysis of engineering materials and components, fatigue design of welded structures and AM components using fracture mechanics principles and its non-conventional extensions
Martin Matušů
Martin Matušů is a Ph.D. student at the Czech Technical University in Prague (since 2019) and he partially works also at Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden (since 2021).
He received his Master’s in Applied Mechanics. His research interest includes fatigue of additively manufacture metals, additive manufacturing in general, and infrared thermography. |
Jan Papuga
Lakshmana Rao
Prof. Lakshmana Rao C holds a Doctor of Science in Mechanics of Materials from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1992. He is a Professor in the Department of Applied Mechanics and Biomedical
Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India. His research primarily focuses on conducting both experimental and numerical studies on problems related to solid mechanics and fluid mechanics. Prof. Rao
has a publication record, with 112 peer-reviewed journal articles, books on Impact Mechanics, Modelling of Engineering Materials, Engineering Mechanics, Active Buckling Control of Structures, and several book chapters.
His expertise lies in analysing creep, fatigue, and creep-fatigue interaction in aero-engine superalloys. He is also well-versed in continuum mechanics modelling, impact mechanics, high strain rate behaviour of materials,
fracture mechanics, sports mechanics, mechanics of ayurvedic medical processes, seal fracture mechanics, structural response to blasts, and buckling control in structures using smart materials. He has served on the editorial
boards of various prestigious international journals. He has been the primary dissertation advisor to 22 PhD scholars and 67 Master's scholars. His research endeavours have received funding from esteemed organizations such as
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Indian Space Research Organization, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Aeronautical Research and Development Board India, Department of Science and Technology India, as well
as multiple industrial sponsors including L&T Pvt. Ltd., GM Tech India, and Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited, among others. |
Luca Santoro
Luca Santoro is an M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, now he is a Ph.D. Student in Machine Design at the Mechanical and Aerospace Department of Politecnico di Torino, the Ph.D. activity is funded by Alstom.
The main research topics are the fatigue behavior and damage of metallic materials, active thermography, and online monitoring of the welding process. |
Raffaella Sesana
Raffaella Sesana is M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Ph.D. in Machine Design. Today Associate Professor in Department of Mechanic and Aerospace Engineering, Politecnico di Torino.
The main research topics are HCF , non-destructive fatigue limit and damage assessment , LCF and TMF damage models, characterization of materials and components, constitutive models for cyclic plastic
behaviour of metallic, polymeric materials, foams, thermographic NDT. |
Zhifeng Yan
Zhifeng Yan is an Associate Professor in School of Materials Science and Engineering, the Taiyuan University of Technology. He specializes in metal welding and its service behavior.
Research Group: Advanced material connection and interface behavior. Teaching activity is related to welding structure and Welding metallurgy courses. His research focuses on the theoretical on deformation
and damage characterization and fracture assessment of metallic materials under cyclic loading. |
papuga@pragtic.com, last update: June 14, 2023 | 

