Workshop on Computational Fatigue Analysis 2009 & The 3rd PragTic Users' Meeting
Time Schedule
You can download the time schedule as a pdf file here.
The participants of the WCFA'09 & PUM3 conference can download the presentations when logged in
to the system.
- Computational Fatigue Analyses - Milan Ruzicka, CTU in Prague
- Cyclic Plasticity - Radim Halama, VSB-TU Ostrava
- Software Tools Available - Jan Papuga, CTU in Prague
- Multiaxial Fatigue - Jan Papuga, CTU in Prague
- Short Crack Growth - Ludvik Kunz, IPM, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Notch Effect in Fatigue - Jan Papuga, CTU in Prague
- Fatigue under Random Loading - Adam Nieslony, Opole University of Technology
- It`s a Free, Free World (*.ppt or *.pdf) - Jan Papuga, CTU in Prague
- FADO Project - Jan Papuga, CTU in Prague
- Fatigue of Welded Joints - Stanislav Vejvoda, Institute of Applied Mechanics Brno, Ltd.
- PragTic - Features & Applications ( *.ppt or *.pdf) - Jan Papuga, CTU in Prague
- PragTic in Application - Fatigue in Riveted Joints (*.ppt or *.pdf) - Jan Papuga, CTU in Prague
Please note that the presentations were prepared in MS Powerpoint 2000. As far as I know
MS Powerpoint newer than 2003 can have problems opening it. If you want to see it anyway, either
download MS Powerpoint Viewer on microsoft site (it is for free) or use the pdf files above (without animations).
papuga@pragtic.com |
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