| PiU Contest Proposals of Themes
The topics collected here are in no way definite or obliged. The space for your fresh ideas and imagination
is fully open. Note, that PragTic is not only fatigue solver, but allows already some basic post-processing
of the FEA-data. In case of any doubt, you can consult your idea with Jan Papuga.
Note also that even the most basic fatigue hypotheses are worth an additional check if you have found interesting
experimental data that can be used for this purpose. Your success need not to be directly related to implementation works.
- Hypotheses of a stress or strain tensors reduction to a scalar equivalent values.
- Conversion of fictious elastic stresses and strains to real elastic-plastic values - either for simple uniaxial loading or even for cases with multiaxial loading.
- Multiaxial fatigue criteria (they are usually similar one to another and thus can be quickly implemented). Any comparative analysis would be also very useful.
- Hypotheses of fatigue damage accummulation (today only Palmgren-Miner and Corten-Dolan)
- Notch effect analysis (Currently only relative stress gradient implemented in LESA. Well, inclusion of some of new methods to PragTic can be quite demanding)
- Load decomposition under multiaxial load conditions - this can mean either the separation of individual cycles
or a solution for detecting of shear stress/strain components.
- Application of already implemented local criteria to specific real problems with detailed 3D FEA models:
- riveted structures
- welded structures
- contact problems
- pressure vessels
- ...
papuga@pragtic.com | 

Development in 2011-2014 supported by:
