WCFA'23-FKM Guideline Non-Linear
Evaluation of the Workshop
In order to get some feedback from the participants about the meeting and the lectures, we asked them to fill our questionnaires anonymously.
They could select values in between the 1 (awful) to 10 (magnificient). The number of participants coming for the first day on Introduction to Fatigue (17 on-site and 6 on-line) was substantially lower than
the number attending the other two days (37 on-site and 15 on-line) focused on the FKM-Guideline Non-Linear. The overall statistic evaluations is provided here:

The more detailed evaluation in individual evaluated sections can be analyzed here below. Note that the fonts in italics are comments of me (Jan Papuga) as the chairman and manager of the conference.
Values stated: Average mark/Number of evaluations |
Day | Lecturer: Lecture | Slides | Show | Comprehensibility | Gained knowledge | Importance of the topic |
1 | M. Ružička (presented by J. Papuga): Basics in Fatigue | 9.5/11 | 9.6/11 | 9.7/11 | 8.9/11 | 9.2/11 |
Comments: | Practical examples would be benefical Great introduction Problems with sound |
J. Papuga: Fatigue Life Estimates | 9.5/11 | 9.7/11 | 9.5/11 | 8.5/11 | 9.5/11 |
Comments: | Practical examples would be benefical Very helpful for the projects in which I am working My knowledges not so good to understand |
M. Nesládek: Fracture Mechanics | 9.0/11 | 8.2/11 | 8.8/11 | 8.6/11 | 8.2/11 |
Comments: | Practical examples would be benefical I knew a lot of information from PAGT |
J. Papuga: Advanced Topics | 9.5/11 | 9.5/11 | 9.2/11 | 8.3/11 | 8.9/11 |
Comments: | Practical examples would be benefical I solved many doubts I had about welded joints Too hard for me. I dont have good basic knowledge |
Values stated: Average mark/Number of evaluations |
Day | Lecturer: Lecture | Slides | Show | Comprehensibility | Gained knowledge | Importance of the topic |
2 | K. Rother: Strength for Monotonic Loading | 9.1/27 | 9.5/27 | 9.3/27 | 8.8/26 | 8.6/26 |
Comments: | Small titles in charts Practical examples would be benefical I would start with the problem and then pin-point to detail and theory
I have to study more too Very good theoretical background transfer |
K. Rother: Strength for Cyclic Loading | 9.1/27 | 9.4/27 | 9.2/27 | 8.9/26 | 8.5/26 |
Comments: | Practical examples would be benefical I would start with the problem and then pin-point to detail and theory It is more insurance(??? hard to read) by current state of FKM
Understand good Theory excelent trensfered Will be difficult to apply into daily business |
Any futher notes
- First November week would be the best time.We have to tune together dates of other events, availability of the organizing team, of the lecturers, and of our great technician. Not a simple task...
- Very good style of lecturing and interaction with listener. Nice to hear, thanks.
- The workshop provided a very good balance between theoretical elements and information on practical implementation of the methods discussed.
- Coloured pencils were missing. Yeah, we provided them some years ago, but the tight financial balance this year limited our will to deal with this
- Please, do more WCFA We'll check what we can. Check at your company, if you'll be eligible to visit us two-three times a year :-)
- Looking forward for next revision of FKM - NL. It is currently quite limited We are also interested in the new update
- Example p.32-39 - solve with numbers, where is it from, critical area identification, similar example p.104. Eliminated at the end of meeting. Right, eliminated in the end.
Next recommended topics
- VDV 152, DVS 1612
- DVS 1608, DVS 1612 guidelines (see dvs-regelwerk.de) - bases, backgrounds This year, a lot of participants came from train industry, a logical request
- FKM NL after 5 years (after it will be already reworked) We are also looking forward to seeing it in the new version, but it should emerge sooner
- Design against Fatigue using ABAQUS/ANSYS walk through Interesting idea asking for an experienced fatigue expert willing (and allowed) to share his/her experience
- Vibration Fatigue of Welded Structures in a more practical use in industry (practical examples not typical simple examples) I'll ask the colleagues who lectured the previous WCFA
- Thermo-mechanical Fatigue
- FKM Fracture Mechanics
- Fatigue of Bolt, Rivets and Welds, its evaluation and best practice in combination with FEM Klemens Rother is having something ready
- Fatigue of Composites Interesting topic, indeed
Meeting Organization
The meeting itself was rated separately, and the results are provided here:
Values stated: Average mark/Number of evaluations |
Information before meeting | Mark: | 9.0/28 |
Comments: | * Very, very detailed
* I did not check it
* pragtic.com was very useful to understand all the projects in which you are involved and to know more about the course
* A bit confusing website, but doable My wife finds the website even worse, but I am a bit old-school
* I would appreciate information easier to find
* Everything was clear and easy to access Contradicting those two previous items - maybe also somebody a bit aged?
Realization on-site, location | Mark: | 9.4/27 |
Comments: | * Smooth and well organized.
Room, equipment | Mark: | 8.6/28 |
Comments: | * (very) uncomfortable chairs (7x) and poor desks (2x). That's the same every year. We are sorry, but this is one of the best rooms at the faculty, as regards the equipment. If the financial
balance would be better, we'd consider to buy cushions for you...
* Printed study material would be better in colour. Yes, but it would be much more costly. As recommended, we should get back to handing out coloured pencils.
* Old, uncomfortable seats and poor desks. Quite shame from technical university
* I would appreciate more comfortable seating
* Seats were little far away from desks Ooohh, what else can we say to those last three items - sorry. We should maybe announce the issue next time to warn the participants and get them prepared
Meals | Mark: | 9.8/28 |
Comments: | * But too much to eat. I was full all time
* Tasteful
* Good, tasty
* Perfection
Social evening | Mark: | 9.8/23 |
Comments: | * No game
* Some social opening with people introduction would be welcome As an icebreaker, we usually manage some game to be played during the evening. This year, 20 days before the start, we've
got from red numbers at last, but half of the companies still did not pay at that moment. If you want to play next time, tell at your financial departments to pay for your participation sooner.
And do not apply so late!
* A great opportunity to know other colleagues That's precisely the point, why we are organizing WCFA, and why on-site participation is not much more expensive than on-line.
* I did not participate (2x) We did to let you know now it was great!!!
* Exclusive
Click on the photo to get to the snapshot with a better resolution.

papuga@pragtic.com, last update: November 13, 2023 | 

