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Czech Society for Mechanics

under auspices of the

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague

announces holding of the

Workshop on Computational Fatigue Analysis 2024
Fatigue Crack Growth

Technická 4, Prague 6 - Dejvice, Czech Republic

December 4 - December 6, 2024


WCFA2024 - Fatigue Crack Growth

The last volume of our WCFA workshop was dedicated to the FKM-Guideline in its recent non-linear version. When we inquired about other topics of interest to the fatigue community, the topic of crack growth analysis was highlighted. While discussing this with Klemens Rother, who successfully lectured on the FKM-Guideline last year, he mentioned he could also present the FKM-Guideline intended for fracture mechanics. In fact, the Fracture Mechanics Proof of Strength for Engineering Components encompasses not only fatigue response but also analysis under static loads, as indicated by its title. The latest 4th edition of this FKM-Guideline from 2018, published only in German, will be lectured. If you are looking for the last available English translation, you will need to refer to the 3rd edition from 2009.

While considering Klemens' proposal, I evaluated who the likely attendees for such a course would be. Being myself bound to the aeronautical industry, this focused domain came to mind immediately. However, since this industry is conservative and I cannot predict how it will adopt the FKM-Guideline, I decided to look for someone with years of practical experience in crack growth computational analysis. I had someone in mind for several years, and when I asked him, he finally agreed. So, welcome Domenico Quaranta, who works for Pilatus Aircraft since 2006, with previous experience, since 2000, in several aerospace industry related activities..

It must be clearly highlighted that only metals will be discussed in the workshop this year.

Course Options

In previous volumes of the WCFA workshop, we usually dedicated the first day to onboarding newcomers - engineers who were not educated in fatigue analysis or who had forgotten everything while practicing in other engineering domains. We decided to skip this one-day course this year to make the rest of the lectures over 2.5 days more manageable.

To help our attendants, we decided to offer the access to the introductory course Introduction to Fatigue as recorded during FKM-Guideline Non-Linear workshop in 2023 for free as a bonus to their payment.

The first day (Wednesday, Dec. 4) will be led by Domenico Quaranta, who will provide a detailed description of fracture mechanics and crack growth calculations, mainly based on FEM, in the aerospace industry.. Klemens Rother will continue over the next two days, covering the computational concepts outlined in the FKM Guideline on fracture mechanical approaches.

To better meet the needs of participants and their level of fatigue knowledge, several variants of the course are provided:

December 4, 2024 (6 hours of lectures)
D. Quaranta: Damage Tolerance, Fracture Mechanics and Crack Growth in Aerospace Industry V1 V3
December 5, 2024 (6 hours of lectures)
K. Rother: FKM Guideline on Fracture Mechanics V2
December 6, 2024 (3 hours of lectures)
K. Rother: FKM Guideline on Fracture Mechanics

More detailed information about the programme can be found in the section Program.

Used Language

English language is the official language of the lectures.

Conference Location

The meeting will be held at the Czech Technical University in Prague, located in Dejvice, Prague 6 - Technická 4 (Block A2). The building can be conveniently accessed by metro - any exit from Dejvická metro station is about 400 m away from the building entrance You can access the map here. The workshop will be hosted in "Rýsovna" ("Drawing Room") on the fifth floor of the main building.

Attendance Fee

The fee is set in various versions to cover all potential needs of participants. The Early Bird rate is available for those who pay before September 30, 2024, while the Regular rate applies to participants who settle their payment afterward. Members of the Czech Society for Mechanics receive a 10% discount on any of the aforementioned prices.

Based on positive feedback from previous WCFA volumes, attendance will be available both on-site and online. In addition to these two options, the purchase of recorded lectures will be available anytime after the workshop.

For the on-site version, the conference fee includes access to the lectures, printouts of the presentations, an attendance certificate, meals and drinks during lunches and coffee breaks, and access to the social evening with dinner. Accommodation costs are not included. The online version provides access to the lectures in real-time and allows for interaction during designated times at the end of each block. The attendance certificate will be delivered in electronic format in the online case.

Details regarding the conditions and payment of the attendance fee are presented in the Payment section of the conference website.


You can register to the meeting in the Application section.

Further Details

The invitation leaflet can be downloaded as a pdf file.

If you wish to be informed about this workshop or other ones later on, but you are not sure you want to apply now, join our mail list.

Organizing Committee

Chairman: Jan Papuga,

Finances: Jitka Havlínová,

Conference Contacts


Tel.: +420 737 977 741 (Jan Papuga)

E-mail: and above, last update: January 9, 2025

Czech Society for Mechanics

FME   CTU in Prague



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