Program of D&DT Course 2014
Day #1 |
9:00 - 10:45 | Session 1 |
10:45 - 11:15 | Coffee break |
11:15 - 13:00 | Session 2 |
13:00 - 14:00 | Lunch |
14:00 - 15:45 | Session 3 |
15:45 - 16:15 | Coffee break |
16:15 - 18:00 | Session 4 |
Day #2 |
8:00 - 9:45 | Session 5 |
9:45 - 10:15 | Coffee break |
10:15 - 12:00 | Session 6 |
12:00 - 14:00 | Lunch and break |
14:00 - 15:45 | Session 7 |
15:45 - 16:15 | Coffee break |
16:15 - 18:00 | Session 8 |
Day #3 |
8:00 - 9:30 | Session 9 |
9:30 - 9:45 | Coffee break |
9:45 - 11:30 | Session 10 |
11:30 - 12:30 | Lunch |
12:30 - 13:45 | Session 11 |
13:45 - 14:00 | Coffee break |
14:00 - 15:00 | Session 12 |
Design Principles and Examples for Metal Structure in Aerospace
Term: October 20-22, 2014 (Monday-Wednesday)
Scope: The course material for a 3-day course consists of approx. 340 Powerpoint pages.
Chapter 1 – Introduction
- About the lecturers
- Contents of the course on “Design Principles and Examples”
- Applicability of information
- Abbreviations and symbols
- Material properties and strength data
- Material function
- Material costs
- Share of structural materials
- Metallic materials - overview Aluminum alloys
- Aluminum alloys - designation
- Aluminum alloys for aircraft application
- Aluminum alloys - stages and heat treatment conditions
- Material properties
- Material selection
- Corrosion aspects
- Aluminum alloys 7xxx - overview
- Aluminum alloy 7050
- Aluminum alloy 7175
- Aluminum alloy 7475
- Aluminum alloys 7349 / 7055
- Aluminum alloys 2xxx - overview
- Aluminum alloy 2024
- Aluminum alloy 2524
- Comparison of 2024 and 2524
- Comparison of damage tolerance data of 2xxx vs. 7xxx
- Overview of fuselage sections
- Principle design of typical fuselage sections
- Loading and function of fuselage sections and details
- General aircraft loading
- Aircraft design loads and concepts
- Sizing loads
- Major structural design criteria
- Categorization of structure
- Location and function of frames
- Frame design
- Frame – skin – stringer attachment
- Principles
- Joining elements
- Design recommendations
- Frame design criteria
- Frame splicing
- Pre-sizing of frames
- Choice of frame materials
- Location and function of stringers
- Different types of stringer design
- Stringer to skin connections
- Effect of riveting / bonding on static strength and damage tolerance behavior
- Effect of assembly technology and material on damage tolerance behavior
- Choice of stringer materials
- Fasteners
- Stringer run-outs
- Stringer splices
- Location and function of stiffened panels
- Design principles
- Different types of panel stiffening
- Stiffening by discrete or integral elements
- Stiffeners as crack stoppers
- Pocketing of stiffened panels
- Cut-outs in stiffened panels
- Material selection for skin
- Design for typical fuselage panels
- Design considerations of mechanically fastened joints
- Design criteria for mechanically fastened joints
- Mechanically fastened joints – basic definitions
- Fastener selection for metallic assemblies
- Main fastener types
- Comparison of main fastener types
- Description of different fastener types
- Application and selection of fastener types
- Static strength recommendations
- Fatigue strength
- Installation aspects
- Requirements
- Design of riveted / bolted joints
- Pitch
- Edge distance
- Countersunk depth
- Total stack height
- Solid rivet length
- Closing heads for solid rivets
- Effect of rivet squeeze force on fatigue life
- Bonding technology
- Bonding of stringers
- Bonding at lap joints
- Features of longitudinal lap joints – types, function, arrangement
- Examples of longitudinal lap joints
- Reinforcement of lap joint area
- Number of rivet rows
- Stringer position at lap joint
- Design aspects for damage tolerance
- Crack retarders in lap joint area
- Design features of lap joints
- Fastener diameter
- Fastener pitch
- Edge distance
- Fastener types for longitudinal lap joints
- Issue of scribe marks
- Location of circumferential joints
- Typical design
- Function of circumferential joint
- Fatigue sensitive areas
- General design recommendations
- types of joint design
- definition of strap
- definition of stringer coupling
- typical design examples
- Effect on secondary bending in butt joints on the fatigue life
- Fatigue and damage tolerance goals for repair design
- Classification of structural defects
- Allowable reworks
- Allowable dents
- General design rules for repairs
- Design of repairs for adequate ultimate strength
- Design precautions to improve F&DT for skin repairs with external doubler
- Repair principle for frames
- Repair principle for stringers
- Repair principle for circumferential joints
- Repair principle for longitudinal joints
- General goal of fatigue resistant and damage tolerant design
- Fatigue and damage tolerance design and effects on fatigue life
- Notches & radii
- Bore holes
- Interference fit of bolts and bushes
- Cold expansion
- Shot peening
- Surface treatment
- Principle design of lug connections
- Types of lug connections
- Examples of lug connections
- Lug connections without bushes – standard lugs
- Lug connections without bushes – non-standard lugs
- Lug connections with bushes
- Effect of interference bush
- Major design aspects
- Properties and material
- Ring stress around the bore hole of the lug
- Grain direction and tolerances
- Bush design for easy installation
- FTI ForceMate procedure for aluminum and titanium lugs
- Fatigue life analysis – AFI fatigue law
- Fatigue life determination of joints
- Major design parameters of single shear joints with effect on the fatigue life
Fatigue & Damage Tolerance for Metal Structure
Term: November 11-13, 2014 (Tuesday-Thursday)
Intention and scope: This 3-day training provides information about all major subjects in the field of
fatigue & damage tolerance (F&DT) for metallic structure, which are mainly relevant in the aerospace industry. The contents is mainly
based on the experience of the AeroStruc personnel gained
in the aerospace industry (Airbus) over more than 30 years. The training material consists of about 450 to 500 Powerpoint pages.
- Subject A - Introduction: Introduction to the training, contents, details about the authors, reference list.
- Subject B - History of fatigue and conclusions: Major historical accidents and incidents due to fatigue, conclusions for regulations.
- Subject C - Definitions of terms: Major terms used in the field of F&DT, structural categorization.
- Subject D - Fatigue resistant design: Major design aspects for fatigue resistant design, beneficial and detrimental effects of specific treatments.
- Subject E - Damage tolerant design: Major design aspects for damage tolerant design, beneficial and detrimental effects of specific treatments.
- Subject F - F&DT regulations and their interpretation: Contents of F&DT regulations, interpretation for certification and operation.
- Subject G - Load spectra: Overview about load spectra for analyses and tests, basis of load spectra, major considerations for test and analyses.
- Subject H - Fatigue life analysis: Fatigue life analysis methods and their application, major influencing parameters, relevant scatter factors.
- Subject I - Crack growth analysis / residual strength analysis: Methods for crack growth and residual strength analysis, major structural parameters, relevant scatter factors.
- Subject J - Definition of maintenance program: Definition of inspection areas, establishment of structural inspection program, inspection methods to meet F&DT requirements.
- Subject K - Fatigue & damage tolerance analysis of repairs: Classification of repairs, major applicable regulations, summary of Repair Assessment Program for analysis of repairs to fuselage skin.
- Subject L - Fatigue & damage tolerance analysis of allowable damages: Definition of allowable damages (reworks) and dents, analysis aspects.
- Subject M - Definition of allowable stresses (F&DT aspects): Definition of design criteria, requirements to structure, influence of material and technology selection, dimensioning criteria, application of allowable stresses.
- Subject N - Full scale fatigue tests: Major aspects of full scale fatigue tests, load program (flight-by-flight), programs for inspections, measurements, damage tolerance tests.
- Subject O - Aging aircraft and life extension: Aging aircraft issues, specific regulations, activities for life extension, evaluation of local damages.
- Subject P - Widespread fatigue damage evaluation: Areas susceptible to widespread fatigue damage, specific regulations, evaluation process, analysis methods.
- Subject S - Advanced welding technologies: >Welding processes, materials, application, analysis and testing, static and fatigue strength, certification aspects.
- Acknowledgement
- About the lecturers
- Contents of the F&DT course
- Applicability of information
- Conversion factors
- References
- Fatigue damage and fracture damage
- Design loads, structural strength and damage tolerance concept
- Structural damages and development of regulations
- Details of major accidents
- Examples of important structural damages
- Example of in-service MSD occurrence
- Conclusions of incidents and accidents
- Major terms in fatigue and damage tolerance
- General structural classification
- Categorization of structure including examples
- Structural damage capability – interpretation by industry
- Terms related to fatigue and damage tolerance analysis
- General goal of fatigue resistant design
- Effects on fatigue life
- Notches and radii
- Countersink
- Design precautions – cold working
- Major design parameters influencing the fatigue life of joints
- Design of aluminum, titanium and steel lugs
- Effect of shot peening on the fatigue life
- Effect of CAA treatment on the fatigue life
- Effect of rivet squeeze force on fatigue life
- Effect of material on the fatigue life
- General goal of damage tolerance design
- Major deformation in fuselage shell – local effects
- Major design aspects to meet damage tolerance
- Design precautions
- Examples
- Fuselage
- General
- Major airworthiness regulations for fatigue and damage tolerance
- Major requirements in F&DT regulations
- Damage types and their effects
- Establishment of LOV
- Determination of inspection threshold
- Sustained engine imbalance
- 14 CFR Part 26
- Mission profiles
- Fatigue load spectra
- Representation of 1g load conditions
- Typical load spectra
- Gust load spectra
- Ground-air-ground spectrum
- Truncation and omission levels
- Maneuver load spectra
- Ground load spectra
- Cabin differential pressure
- Temperature loads
- Fatigue life analysis – airworthiness requirements
- F&DT analysis – overview and objectives
- F&DT analysis – methods
- Method 1
- Details of methodology
- Representation of material data
- Details of the Miner’s law
- Determination of the safe fatigue life
- Total fatigue damage, rainflow method, extrapolation of S-N data
- Miner factor
- Probability of failure for damages tolerance and safe life structure Risk factor
- Reduction factor due to several fatigue critical locations
- Scatter factor
- Test-to-structure factor
- Method 2
- AFI fatigue law – S-N curve model
- AFI fatigue law – definition of AFI
- AFI fatigue law – applicability of parameters
- AFI fatigue law – stress concentration Kt
- AFI fatigue law – local stress and correlation factor
- AFI fatigue law – further details
- AFI fatigue law – example
- Introduction
- Introduction to fracture mechanics
- Fracture mechanics fundamentals
- Stress vs. stress intensity factor
- Stress intensity factor solutions
- Superposition of stress intensity factors
- Principle
- Examples
- Approximate solutions
- Stress intensity factors at bore holes
- Effect of stiffeners – uni-axial loading
- Effect of stiffeners – bi-axial loading
- Effect of internal pressure
- Residual strength analysis
- Data representation
- R-curve concept
- Residual strength of complex structures – examples
- Crack growth analysis
- Data representation
- Methodology – linear
- Initial flaw concept
- Damage tolerance analysis by probabilistic approach
- Scatter factors on crack growth periods
- Crack growth factor policy
- Structural maintenance program
- Definition of structural significant items (SSI)
- Design goals for structural inspection program
- Maintenance program objectives
- Structure program development
- Determination of detectable crack length
- Effect of range on structural maintenance program
- Airworthiness limitation items (ALI) for structure
- Introduction
- Fatigue and damage tolerance goals for repair design
- Major regulations for repairs
- Classification of structural defects
- Fatigue and damage tolerance analysis of repairs
- Airbus Repair Assessment Program for fuselage
- Calculation procedure
- Determination of inspection threshold for skin repairs
- Determination of inspection interval for skin repairs
- Repairs on airworthiness affected structure
- Allowable damages
- Allowable reworks
- Allowable dents
- Dent Assessment Guidelines (DAG)
- Structural design criteria
- Definition of allowable stresses for fatigue & damage tolerance
- Purpose of F&DT allowable stresses
- Determination of F&DT allowable stresses
- OEM design goals
- Selection of structural areas for definition of allowable stresses
- Comparison of material properties
- Dimensioning criteria – example fuselage
- Requirements for definition of allowable stresses – example
- Determination of allowable stresses – support by tests
- F&DT allowable stresses for fuselage panels
- Aging aircraft issues
- International aging aircraft activities
- Airworthiness regulations for aging aircraft
- Airbus aging aircraft activities
- Airbus A300 Life extension program
- Tear down of in-service a/c
- Conclusion for aging aircraft
- Definitions of MSD, MED and WFD
- WFD evaluation – effect of MSD/MED
- WFD evaluation – NDI capability
- Monitoring period for the airplane fleet
- Evaluation of structure susceptible to WFD for life extension
- Structural areas potentially susceptible to WFD
- WFD evaluation analysis method and engineering tool
- Laser beam welding
- Introduction
- Application of LBW at civil transport aircraft, Airbus example
- Comparison of structural concepts
- Laser beam welding in production
- Design recommendations for LBW stiffened panels
- Fatigue behavior of welded T-joints
- Effect of heat treatment on crack growth
- Friction stir welding
- Introduction
- Application of friction stir welding (FSW)
- Process of FSW
- FSW affected zones of weld line
- Quality of FSW joints
- Static strength of FSW butt joints
- Fatigue strength of FSW butt joints
- Fatigue crack growth and residual strength
- FSW butt joint for fuselage longitudinal joint
papuga@pragtic.com, last update: September 22, 2014
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